Walter Newall 1780-1863
From the Author
Margaret Elliot

In September 2015 I started researching the life and works of Walter Newall, an architect who left his stamp on Dumfries and Galloway in the first half of the 1800’s.
He designed and supervised many prominent buildings in the area, Small Mansions, Terrace Town Houses, Banks, Churches etc. I visited many of those buildings and photographed the unchanged areas of the buildings, internally and externally. I found that to understand his work and designes I needed to understand what it was like to live in the 1800's, that is where the research became very interesting. Also his life and the history that carved out his path in life. Each of the buildings have history attached to them too. After gathering the information and recording the buildings I wanted to share my findings with others.
I finally published a book on the subject and in 2019 I had it printed.
‘The Life and Works of Walter Newall’. My book is for sale priced at £25 + PP Contact me if you wish more inormation.